November 2/08 - Olomoucký kraj - 1. A Třida Skupina B (6th division)
Sokol Mostkovice 0 Sokol Troubky 0
admission: 20kc
beer: 18kc (cerna hora!)
attendance: 115
game rating: 6.5/10
On a lazy, and unseasonably warm Sunday afternoon, I decided to make the short 3km trip to Mostkovice. The ground in situated on the edge of the town, and is within walking distance from Prostějov.
I didn't go into the game expecting much from the hosts, as they sat near the bottom of the table. The visitors on the day, Sokol Troubky, had better fortunes so far this season, and were near the top of the table. Mostkovice struggled most of the day, especially in the back, where they were quite weak. Troubky took advantage of this and lead 2-0 at the end of the first half. They went on to score four more goals in the second half.